Permanent Pest Solutions: Facts, Ideas and Inspiration on Pest RemovalPermanent Pest Solutions: Facts, Ideas and Inspiration on Pest Removal

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Permanent Pest Solutions: Facts, Ideas and Inspiration on Pest Removal

I hate pests! I feel horrible living in a house with a mouse, and I refuse to be anywhere near a cockroach. Because of that, I have learned every single possible pest removal strategy, and I have learned how to keep them out of the house. If you want tips on using poisons and sealing your home against ants and other tiny creepy-crawlies, you have come to the right place. This blog has everything you need related to pest control. By exploring these posts, you will become a pest removal specialist, and you will also learn how to choose the best professional help. My name is Gary. Welcome and enjoy reading my blog.

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3 Reasons Termites Come Back After Treatment

After spotting a few termites in your home, you may have adopted a DIY approach to getting rid of them. They may have disappeared for a while only to come back after a couple of weeks.

So, why do termites come back after treatment? Take a look at the reasons why termites return to your home even after you try to get rid of them.

Ineffective DIY Termite Treatment

Some over-the-counter pesticides only kill termites on contact and are not always effective in getting rid of the entire colony. In fact, most homeowners miss out on actual termite hideouts and only treat what they can see.

In addition, applying DIY treatments such as borate solutions can yield poor results if you're dealing with a large termite infestation. Keep in mind that if you don't know how to use these treatments correctly, the termites might not come in contact with the chemicals at all. Also, some of these treatments might be harmful to humans and pets, which further adds to the risks of DIY measures.

Instead, hire a licensed exterminator to help get rid of a termite infestation. A professional exterminator will know the right products to use and how to use them properly to get rid of the termites for good. They can also offer you a warranty for their services if another infestation crops up within a few weeks of the initial extermination.

Presence of Wood in Your Home

If you have treated your home but there is still wood present, the termites are more likely to return. These pesky invaders are attracted to moist wood and may continue to feed on it even after treatment. 

To keep termites away, remove all the wood from your home or at least make sure it's not easily accessible to termites. Alternatively, you can treat the wood with suitable products so that the termites keep off.

Remember that over time, wood may begin to break down into mulch. Hardwood mulch creates an ideal environment for termites to live and breed. If you have mulch around your home, make sure you keep it away from your home's foundation.

Large Termite Infestation

Termites will likely swarm again after treatment if there is a large termite infestation to begin with. That's because a large infestation can be difficult to eradicate completely. If many termites invade your home, they can make multiple entry points. If you only treat the exposed areas, termites could still hide inside the walls and continue to thrive without your knowledge.

You may also have difficulty eliminating a large colony since they can have up to millions of termites. The sheer size of such a colony makes it difficult to treat all of them. Additionally, if the queen lives on, the colony will continue to thrive. You're likely to see more termites in the future.

So, if you have a large termite infestation, be sure to treat all of the entry points and try to eliminate the queen. You may need to call in a professional to re-treat your home and get rid of all termites.

For more information on termite treatment, contact a professional near you.